
Who we are

Our website address is DaddysWebpage.com.

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We don’t collect anything.  Your personal business is your business.  You have the right to remain silent.  Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you, but not by us and that attorney may be good or great (like most Kern County Public Defenders) or may be pathetic and incompetent.  Be wary of substitutes and imposters, such as those going by names like Marc, Gary, and Edgar, and pretending to be competent.  Personal data includes, but is not limited to, social security number, Pokémon trainer level, weight, shoe size, and complete audio recording of everything said or done in your home as recorded by home automation devices, such as Alexa, Google Home, and other such systems.  No allegation or implication is made that such devices actually record or monitor any conversations or personal activities taking place in the privacy of your own home.  These devices probably do not spy on you and Mark Zuckerberg is probably not a robot or lizard overlord who knows everything about you.


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We own and/or manage these domains

Please note that just because we own or manage domains does not mean that we support any particular view expressed on any domain.

  • xxx inactive, in progress, or incomplete.
  • QC – ads for QC.
  • CC – Copywrite.
  • MA – Michael.
  • RL – Roger.
  • ThinkReady – Forwarded toll free
  1. BUG
    1. BakersfieldDJ.com
    2. IcebergComedy.com
    3. BakersfieldUnderground.com
  2. Blank
    1. VigorousMassage.com
    2. GodSendParalegal.com
    3. creditscorecorrection.com
    4. hanfordparalegal.com
    5. FresnoCourtPapers.com
    6. FresnoPapers.com
    7. FresnoDocuments.com
    8. BakersfieldRelaxation.com – Annie
    9. ElegantBakersfield.com – Yuki
    10. benjaminlawfirms.com
    11. thebenjaminlaw.com
    12. tinybusinesses.org
    13. DontPayALoser.com
    14. crappyclothes.com
    15. SelmasImmigration.com – Selma
    16. SelmasInmigracion.com – Selma
    17. SelmasIncometax.com – Selma
    18. cellinvestigators.com
    19. notnakednow.com
    20. DecideOnce.com
    21. QDROParalegal.com
    22. ChildCustodyParalegal.com
    23. bakersfieldlook.com 
    24. consuelorealestate.com
    25. SupportParalegal.com
    26. custodylda.com
    27. GuardianshipParalegal.com
    28. bkpapers.com
    29. InformationResearchInvestigations.com
    30. justiceinvestigator.com
    31. Para411.com
    32. investigationbakersfield.com
    33. kerninvestigation.com
    34. ldareviews.com
    35. paralegalreviews.com
    36. CustodyParalegal.com
    37. VictorVeVea.com
  3. New
    1. VigorousMassage.com
    2. GodSendParalegal.com
    3. MaderaParalegal.com
    4. palmsliquorstore.com
    5. TwoParents.org
    6. BakersfieldDocuments.com
    7. CentralValleyLDA.com
    8. CVLDAS.com
    9. KernAttorney.com
    10. LawyersBakersfield.com
    11. ShafterParalegal.com
    12. bakersfieldtraffic.com
    13. bakersfieldticket.com
    14. blacksforbiden.com
    15. thefriendgroup.org
    16. bakersfieldfriends.com
    17. hauntedhaberfelde.com
    18. hauntedbakersfield.com
    19. ridgecrestparalegal.com
    20. BakersfieldCriminalLawyers.com New
    21. shitlandlord.com
    22. TrustLDA.com
    23. TheProbateParalegal.com
    24. bankruptcypaperwork.com
    25. bklda.com
    26. namechangeparalegal.com – Ready to rock
  4. Redirect
    1. kernfjc.com – BakersfieldParalegal.com
    2. BakersfieldInvestigations.com – BakersfieldInvestigation.com
    3. BakersfieldInvestigators.com – BakersfieldInvestigator.com
    4. Tri-StarEviction.com – KernEviction.com
    5. Tri-StarEvictions.com – KernEviction.com
      1. TriStarEviction.com – KernEviction.com
    6. LampkinProperties.com – Redirects to LampkinProperty.com
    7. JArturoRevelo.com – ArturoRevelo.com
    8. HomosexualLaw.com – RogerLampkin.com
    9. KernEmployment.com – JobLawGroup.com
    10. KernEmploymentLaw.com – JobLawGroup.com
    11. KernImmigration.com – FianceVisas.org
    12. FianceServices.com – FinanceVisas.org
    13. VictorsLawPage.com – 661Justice.com
    14. HelpGettingOff.com – 661Justice.com
    15. BakersfieldSeminars.com – KernSeminars.com
    16. TulareSeminars.com – KernSeminars.com
    17. ArvinLawyer.com – RogerLampkin.com
    18. Victor.Legal – 661Justice.com
    19. ProbationGone.com – 661Justice.com
    20. ProbationOver.com – 661Justice.com
    21. DelanoLawyer.com – RogerLampkin.com
    22. LamontLawyer.com – RogerLampkin.com
    23. AttorneyCertification.com – AttorneyScreening.com
  5. For Others
    1. tiendalatinatufesa.com – NOTE: Ask Randy to update
    2. handyjesse.com – NOTE: Check phone number.  Remove social media.
    3. whitefirerabbit.com – Ericka
    4. sikhlawyer.com-NOTE: Finalize
      1. sikhattorney.com  NOTE:  Should redirect to SikhLawyer.com
    5. AbuseServices.org
    6. LegalHelpClinic.com
    7. DougMoffat.com
    8. WWayneWallace.com
    9. JAnthonyBryan.com
    10. KernLawyer.com – Whittington
    11. ArturoRevelo.com
    12. BuenoAbogado.com – NOTE: RL – Work Needed
    13. MichaelsWebpage.com
    14. SashasWebpage.com
    15. MyCaseGone.com – NOTE: Thigpen – needs redo.  Is the phone number still good?
    16. AMK – Managed by Richard Wiley – Active
    17. bakersfieldinvestigation.com
  6. Sell
    1. klassyclothes.com – NOTE: Sell
    2. deznailedit.com – NOTE: If unused, sell it.
    3. bakersfieldcontouring.com – NOTE: Sell
    4. pinkanails.com – NOTE: Sell
    5. lyndsys.com – NOTE: Sell this to someone named Lyndsy
    6. LaFemmeInvestigations.com – NOTE: Sell
    7. RentReadyKing.com – NOTE: Sell or find new owner
  7. Random Businesses
    1. tinybusinessgroup.com
    2. kernsigncompany.com – NOTE: Needs everything
    3. crapclothes.com
    4. ArrestClinic.com
    5. BakersfieldService.com – US – Listed – CC
    6. MoreAlive.com
    7. KernSeminars.com
    8. TheMentorCompany.com – NOTE: Fix spacing for cell phone
    9. DUIClinic.com
    10. ProPerKits.com – NOTE: Update
    11. KernBud.com
    12. BakersfieldBud.com
    13. MommysWebpage.com
    14. OfficialCovid.info
    15. TinyEffort.com
    16. DaddysWebpage.com
    17. VictimRights.info
    18. NoTip.org
  8. Paralegal-Not Listed
    1. EasyCourtDocs.com – Amanda – ThinkReady
    2. BlueSow.com – NOTE: Needs work
    3. RoyalLegal.net – NOTE: Needs work
    4. RiversideDocuments.com – ThinkReady
    5. OrangeParalegal.com – Amanda – ThinkReady – Orange County
    6. LAPaperwork.com – ThinkReady
    7. KingsParalegal.com – ThinkReady
    8. TulareParalegal.com – ThinkReady
    9. SFParalegal.com ThinkReady
    10. AlamedaParalegal.com ThinkReady
    11. MercedParalegal.com – NOTE: Change everything
    12. WillParalegal.com -Annette Cell
    13. PlanningParalegal.com – NOTE: Change from Ed
    14. expertlda.com NOTE: Change from Sotero
    15. JobLawGroup.com – NOTE: Needs work
    16. PalimonyHelp.com
    17. escapedebts.com
    18. GrandparentJustice.com
    19. ExpertAppointments.com
    20. EndSexRegistration.com
    21. FianceVisas.org – NOTE: Needs new attorney.
    22. BakersfieldFamilyLaw.com
    23. EndProbation.com
    24. Expunge.info
  9. Google List Failed
    1. ChristianLDA.com
    2. nowaytohide.com
    3. AffordableLegalTyping.com – Ste. 203 – NOTE: Failed from other referral
  10. Google Listed
    1. 661Justice.com
    2. 661Warrant.com 
    3. AdoptionParalegal.com
    4. AttorneySaulGoodman.com
    5. bakersfieldbankrupt.com
    6. BakersfieldDivorce.com
    7. BakersfieldEscape.com – 311
    8. BakersfieldParalegal.com
    9. BakersfieldInjury.com
    10. bakersfieldinvestigator.com – 361D – Serrano
    11. bakersfieldlda.com
    12. BakersfieldNotary.com – Brie
    13. BakersfieldProcess.com
    14. BullDefends.com – NOTE: Work Needed
    15. CatholicParalegal.com
    16. cellphoneinvestigator.com – 311C – Serrano
    17. ChildSupportParalegal.com Carrie
    18. ConservatorshipHelp.com
    19. ConservatorshipPapers.com – 314
    20. criminalparalegal.com Gotta Go Office
    21. CustodyClinic.com
    22. defenseparalegal.com – NOTE: Check phone number
    23. DetainerDefense.com
    24. Divorcebakersfield.com
    25. Elegant – No Domain – Google Only
    26. EvictionBakersfield.com
    27. KernEvictions.com
    28. GeorgeBoyle.com -NOTE: Down xxx
    29. greatestparalegal.com
    30. greatlda.com Pearlene – NOTE: Down
    31. habeasparalegal.com
    32. HaberfeldeBuilding.com
    33. HindiParalegal.com – Ravi
    34. KernCourt.com – NOTE: Needs work
    35. KernEviction.com
    36. KernNotary.com
    37. lowcostsign.com – NOTE: Needs much work
    38. midnightmetalcutting.com
    39. NotaryBakersfield.com
    40. PapersForCourt.com –  Amanda – ThinkReady –  San Bernardino
    41. PreparePapers.com – Shantell – Fresno
    42. PunjabParalegal.com – Ravi
    43. pupbite.com
    44. RogerLampkin.com
    45. SBParalegal.com – Amanda – ThinkReady – San Bernardino
    46. SchoolOfTricks.com –  311
    47. TaftParalegal.com – NOTE: Check phone number
    48. TheAffordableDivorce.com
    49. TheBombClothes.com –  417 – Jesus
    50. TheTrustParalegal.com – 361A
    51. VenturaParalegal.com – Lynn – Ventura – ThinkReady
    52. wildnstyled.com – Redirected to Facebook
  11. County Referal Sites
      1. AttorneyScreening.com – CC
      2. AlamedaAttorneys.org – CC? – QC
      3. ButteAttorneys.org – CC? – QC
      4. ContraCostaAttorneys.org – CC? – QC
      5. FresnoAttorneys.org – CC? – QC
      6. KernLawyers.com
    1. KingsAttorney.com – Redirect to KingsAttorneys.com
      1. KingsAttorneys.com – CC? – QC
      2. LosAngelesAttorneys.info – CC? – QC
    2. MaderaAttorneys.com – NOTE: Complete rebuild needed
      1. MarinAttorneys.org
      2. MontereyAttorneys.info – CC? – QC
      3. OrangeAttorneys.org – CC? – QC
      4. PlacerAttorney.com – CC? – QC
    3. PlacerLawyer.com – Redirect to PlacerAttorney.com
    4. RiversideAttorneys.net– – NOTE: Complete rebuild needed
      1. SacAttorneys.org
      2. SanDiegoAttorneys.info
      3. SanJoaquinAttorneys.com
      4. SanMateoAttorneys.org
      5. SBAttorneys.org
      6. SCAttorneys.org
      7. SFAttorneys.org
    5. SLOAttorneys.org – Redirects to SLOLawyers.org
      1. SLOLawyers.org
    6. SolanoAttorney.com – Redirects to SolanoLawers.com
      1. SolanoLawyers.com
    7. StanislausAttorney.com – Redirects to StanislausAttorneys.com
      1. StanislausAttorneys.com
      2. TulareAttorneys.com
      3. TulareLawyers.com – Redirects to TulareAttorneys.com
      4. VenturaAttorneys.org
  12. Language-Based
    1. arabicparalegal.com – NOTE: Still untranslated
    2. FilipinoParalegal.com – NOTE: Kristoff Need replacement
    3. MandarinParalegal.com – NOTE – Need to chat with translator Yue
    4. cambodianparalegal.com – NOTE: Find translator
    5. vietnameseparalegal.com  – NOTE: Find translator
    6. japaneseparalegal.com – NOTE: Find translator
    7. thaiparalegal.com – NOTE: Find translator
    8. cantoneseparalegal.com – NOTE: Find translator
    9. koreanparalegal.com – NOTE: Call Michelle to finish translation
  13. Real Estate
    1. propertyinvestment360.com – NOTE: Template only
    2. bakersfieldpropertyinvestments.com – NOTE: Template only
    3. kernpropertyinvestments.com – Note: Template only
    4. ownproperty360.com – Note: Template only
    5. thedana360.com – Note: Template only
    6. thinkready360.com– Note: Template only
    7. housebuyer360.com – Note: Template only
    8. LampkinProperty.com – NOTE: Do something when license comes in.

GoDaddy Full List